Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Is de recessie over?

Er zijn sommige die zeggen dat de resessie over is, maar is dat ook zo. Volgens mij niet. Lees maar het laatste stuk van de Conspiracy of the Rich hieronder en log in hiervoor.

Is the Recession Really Over?
It's official: The recession is over. But wait, isn't unemployment high and growing? Isn't the dollar dying?

Not so fast, says Robert Kiyosaki in his latest Conspiracy of the Rich bulletin. Learn why Robert thinks this recession is far from over and what he thinks is the root cause of our financial problems.

This is an essential update you won't want to miss.

Don't miss this important update.

"I remember the US laughing at Japan's boom and bust, saying it couldn't happen to America. Today, it's happening, just as Duncan and I predicted. The problem is that the same old, obsolete, and misunderstood Keynesian economic philosophy rattles around in our leader's brains. So, the crisis worsens, even if economists say, "The recession is over."

log hier in voor het voledige bericht:

bron: Robert Kyosaki

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